Scandinavia Community UGM
Established in 2011, Scandinavia Community UGM (or simply known as Scanity UGM) is one of the student activity units which belongs to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The main purpose of Scanity UGM is to become a learning center for students to study about Scandinavian nation-states from many perspectives. Scanity UGM focuses its studies mainly on Nordic-Scandinavian states: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, amd Finland.
Structurally, Scanity UGM is comprised of four departments (avdelingen): the Research and Development Department (Forskning), Human Resource Development Department (Menneskelig Utviklingavdelingen), Public Relations Department (Eksterne Relasjonsavdelingen), and Creative Works Department (Kreativ Arbeidt). Each department nurtures their own programs to facilitate discussion on Scandinavian issues and promote the development of Scanity’s members, in the form of academic to recreational activities.