
6 posts

Source: Wikipedia

The Sami at the Edge: Highlighting Threats to the Sweden’s Indigenous People

This essay is a collaboration between the Department of INKA Komahi UGM and Forskning Scanity UGM. This essay is also published on the Inka KOMAHI Medium.

The Sami people are indigenous people who inhabit Lapland, the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. The tribe is the only Indigenous people recognized in Europe and lives semi-nomadically around the Arctic Circle (Lowry, 2024). The Sami people do not have a sovereign geographical territory and live in the territory of several Scandinavian countries, with a large population in Sweden. They are also part of industrial, agricultural, and fishery activities and even participate in governmental activities (Sutherland, 2016). Therefore, the Sami people rely on nature, especially forests, to live. However, the Sami people are one of the most vulnerable tribes today. They face various ecosystem problems due to mining and logging projects. These activities have disrupted their way of survival and cultural heritage. Until today, the Sami people are vulnerable indigenous people and still face the aggressive activities of the government and private companies who are very hegemonic. read more


Masyarakat Adat sebagai Alat Pertahanan Sang Mutiara di Utara

Tulisan ini merupakan bentuk kerja sama divisi Forskning Scanity UGM dengan divisi Inka Korps Mahasiswa HI (KOMAHI) UGM. Tulisan ini juga tayang di kanal Medium Inka KOMAHI.

Sebagai suatu wilayah yang berada dalam jalur perdagangan dan pelayaran internasional dari masa ke masa, Kabupaten Natuna yang terletak di Provinsi Riau telah menjadi kawasan yang dipenuhi oleh masyarakat dari berbagai macam etnis dan budaya. Tidak hanya kaya akan kebudayaan, Natuna juga kaya akan berbagai sumber daya alam. Namun demikian, bagai pedang bermata dua, keberagaman dan kondisi geografis tersebut menjadikan Natuna senantiasa berada pada situasi waspada. read more

source: NATO

NATO dan Ekspansinya Menuju Skandinavia

Geopolitik kawasan Skandinavia berubah dengan cepat sejak berakhirnya perang dingin. Netralitas yang selama ini diupayakan oleh negara-negara Skandinavia dan Nordik perlahan namun pasti mulai berakhir. Bergabungnya Finlandia dan Swedia ke North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) menandakan hilangnya kenetralan semenanjung ini. Hal ini
memunculkan pertanyaan di benak kita, mengapa negara-negara Skandinavia memutuskan berpihak dalam kebijakan politik luar negerinya?

Pertanyaan tersebut akan di jawab dengan mengupas sejarah Skandinavia pada saat Perang Dunia 1 dan 2, hingga Perang Dingin. Kita akan memahami keterkaitan kondisi sejarah pada keputusan negara-negara Skandinavia yang mulai bergabung dengan North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). read more

Source: openDemocracy

PRT, Kesetaraan Gender, dan Sekelumit Sejarah Peradaban Kuno

Semakin mahalnya kebutuhan hidup di masa ini membuat manusia semakin gila bekerja. Manusia tidak sempat melakukan hal-hal yang sederhana, bahkan untuk sekedar menyapa anggota keluarga, apalagi membersihkan rumah. Keadaan yang demikian, membuat manusia mempekerjakan Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) untuk membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah. Namun, hal itu justru menimbulkan masalah sosial yang baru. Mengapa demikian? Di Indonesia, kasus-kasus kekerasan terhadap PRT kerap terjadi. Lebih parahnya, masih banyak PRT di bawah umur yang diperlakukan dengan tidak semestinya. Melansir portal berita CNN (2023), 10 dari 11 PRT menjadi korban kekerasan sehari-hari. Mulai dari kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual, dan juga masalah upah. PRT di perlakukan layaknya budak rumah tangga. read more

Systemic Racism in, No(r) Way!?


As I am writing this, merely 7 hours ago a hateful man of nordic descent threatened to shoot
two mosques in Norway, showing off the gun that he will use (@nightsofgnosis, 2024). In
March, the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African descent reported that racial
profiling, discriminatory acts, and hate speeches still happens often (United Nations Human
Rights Office of The High Commision, 2024 ). In 2022 alone there are 923 documented hate
crimes, 166% increase from 2015 (Dyvik, 2023). The Nordic countries, famed for their high
living standards, beautiful landscapes and their welfare system or the so-called ‘Nordic
Model’ are familiar among many. Yet, no system is perfect including their welfare system. In
this essay the writer argues that the Nordic Model is imperfect because of the latent fact that
those three aforementioned facts are still present, and will be too in the future unless there is a reform to the present institution and policy formation. read more

Immigration’s Role in Fortifying the Nordic Model: Enhancing Social Welfare and Economic Prosperity


The Nordic Model, embodied by countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland, is renowned for seamlessly blending robust social welfare with economic success (Kautto & Kuitto, 2021). At its heart lies a strong social safety net supported by robust tax structures. However, the influx of immigrants due to open economies and aging populations presents a challenge. This essay argues that managing immigration effectively can enhance the long-term sustainability of the Nordic Model. read more