Scandinavia: The Happiest Land in the World?

Penulis: Willibrordus B. Hartono

Di tahun 2016 Denmark kembali ditahbiskan sebagai negara paling bahagia menurut laporan Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations. Peringkat teratas tersebut merupakan suatu kemengan bagi mereka setelah sebelumnya tergusur oleh Swiss yang mengambil alih posisi teratas pada 2015. Terlepas daripada itu, Denmark konsisten berada di 5 besar bersama dengan Norwegia beserta Swedia berada dalam 10 besar teratas sejak penilaian ini dimulai pada 2013. Sulit membayangkan hal itu? Sedikit keluar dari topik adalah menyinggung tentang Finlandia dengan meme yang membandingkan sistem pendidikan dan kebahagiaan mereka dengan Indonesia sempat merebak di linimasa kita. Pertanyaan menggelitik kemudian muncul, apakah benar bahwa orang Skandinavia se-”bahagia” itu? read more

Scandinavian Scholarships & Universities: Belajar di Skandinavia, Yuk!

Penulis : Kristian Oka Prasetyadi

Belajar di luar negeri, terutama di Eropa, pastinya merupakan kesempatan yang tidak akan ditolak oleh pelajar di tingkat sarjana seperti kita. Negara-negara Skandinavia, Norwegia, Swedia, dan Denmark, memberikan kesempatan yang sangat luas bagi pelajar di berbagai negara untuk belajar di universitas-universitas terbaiknya. Bukan mustahil kalau kesempatan itu datang kepada kita, kan? Jadi, yuk kita tengok satu-persatu kesempatan belajar di Skandinavia!

Swedia read more

Scanity Folk Dance

Scanity members also practice Scandinavian folk dance as a way of learning culture and art,  and we already got the opportunities to show it twice, the first one at UMY on May 26, 2016 and the second one was at Gama Awards on November 30, 2016.

Scandinavian Day

Scandinavian Day is held once a year, in 2016 was on October 27-28 at FISIPOL. Scandinavian Day was held after mid term exam and consist of some different events which are Public Lecture, Movie Screening, Language Course, and Expo.

On the first day there was Public Lecture with topic Green Culture in Scandinavia with speaker Mathilde Wichmann (Student from Scandinavia) and Ajeng from PACER. The language course was specifically for Swedish Language, it started since the first day until the last day. The Expo also last for two days and there ware cooking demo (Swedish Meatball), Photobooth spot and photo competition, Live performances, and doorprizes. On the last day, there was also movie screening which played Sweden movie The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared or  Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann. read more

Book Launching “Nora adalah Subversif!”

On April 29, 2016 Scanity in colaboration with PACER, Institut Ungu and Penerbit Djaman Baroe held a book launching and discussion “Nora adalah Subversif!” written by Faiza Mardzoeki. The discussion was moderated by Arum Chandra, a lecturer from Faculty of Cultural Science of UGM, with the speakers; Longgina Novadona Bayo, a lecturer from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the author Faiza Mardzoeki, Erwan Purwanto and Hilde Solbakken, Minister Counsellot at Royal Norwegian Embassy, Jakarta. These book are adaptation from the first feminist man author Henrik Ibsen. read more